Voyage LA Interview (April 23, 2020)

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. As a mother of two boys, I became interested in neurofeedback when I was looking for alternative treatment options for my son who was diagnosed with ADD and an auditory processing disorder. At that time, the only suggested treatment was medication which my son refused. While researching alternative treatments, I came across neurofeedback. I was not aware that the brain can change without medication and that neurofeedback improves the structure and function of the brain. I quickly discovered that brain training greatly reduced my son’s anxiety and increased his focus. I was so moved by the effects of neurofeedback, I became motivated to share the benefits with others so they may also achieve optimal brain function. I am a neurofeedback specialist with a Ph.D. in Somatic Depth Psychology – utilizing the emerging field of neuroscience to assist clients with their cognitive, physical and emotional challenges along with helping them attain substantial personal growth. Has it been a smooth road? The biggest hurdle in my profession is that, although neurofeedback has been around for over 25 years, many people are still unfamiliar with it; therefore, it is under much scrutiny. I often hear, “If this worked, wouldn’t I have heard about it?” Because it is considered a holistic treatment and not a part of the traditional medical/pharmaceutical model which is more mainstream, people are often skeptical. Also, I believe many people want to relieve their suffering quickly and neurofeedback is not the quick fix option that some medications provide. However, with neurofeedback, unlike meds, you are fixing the root of the issue and are achieving lasting results. In order to change brain function, the brain requires multiple sessions for it to learn. You may have heard about neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to form new connections and pathways and change how its circuits are wired. Neurofeedback training exercises the brain as though it were a muscle. Much like going to the gym to get into shape, the brain needs multiple sessions of neurofeedback to make lasting changes. Think of it this way, if you want six-pack abs, you don’t go to the gym only four times; you must keep a consistent workout regimen. However, once your brain makes the necessary changes, the training is over. You never lose what you gained from the training. Also, another hurdle I often stumble across comes from people who had unsuccessful neurofeedback experiences many years ago when the technology was vastly different. Remember what your cell phone was like ten years ago? It is the same with the neurofeedback equipment, which is now an incredibly advanced technology. Neurofeedback has evolved in such a way that there are now home units my clients rent from me. They are able to train in the privacy of their home. No appointment necessary. It also makes neurofeedback more affordable. We’d love to hear more about your business. My company, Optimal Brain Performance, provides neurofeedback. Most of us don’t realize how much influence our brain health has over how we feel, our performance, and how we relate to others. Since our brains are adaptable, brain training is a practical way to ease suffering. It is a holistic approach to healing brain function with lasting results and no side effects. Neurofeedback encourages the brain to return to a far more efficient and effective operation by directing the brain to find its optimal functioning. It gets at the root cause of the issue without medication. This alternative method of treatment helps with anxiety, depression, insomnia, learning disabilities, addiction, cognitive function, and many other issues where the brain is not performing at its best. Neurofeedback helps the brain restructure itself based on the feedback it receives. This leads to more flexibility and resiliency. The neurofeedback equipment reads the electrical patterns of your brain, which is detected by sensors placed on your scalp and gives your brain feedback on those patterns. The brain then reorganizes itself based on this feedback. It is a very enjoyable experience. There is no effort on the client’s part. The client simply lays back in a chair, relaxes, listens to beautiful music (the feedback) and watches images on a screen (more feedback). Each session feels like a deep meditation. When the brain interacts with itself moment by moment as it receives the feedback, people begin to feel deeply relaxed. Their mind is quieting between sessions. Their sleep often improves. They report a decrease in reactivity, and generally feel more stable and better equipped to handle life stressors. Helping my son overcome his learning issues has been my most rewarding experience as a neurofeedback practitioner. However, another outstanding result was that training my own brain released me from the grip of my debilitating anxiety. I was completely unaware that I was living with such heightened anxiety until I began neurofeedback on myself. I immediately felt less anxious. Having had a transformative healing experience in my own body, watching my son get relief from his issues, and seeing continuous positive results in my clients gives me the confidence needed to promote the efficacy of neurofeedback and share these amazing benefits with others.

My clients’ motivations to improve their lives also provide me with the inspiration I need to continue to advocate for this advanced method of healing. Being a participant in their success and witnessing their transformations is incredibly powerful. Considering we can shape our brain, this training technique has great potential to positively affect everyone. I have observed both young and adult clients discontinue their ADHD meds, heal from past traumas and PTSD symptoms, and relieve their anxiety and depression. My clients often report that they feel more present in their life and less reactive to their challenges. Their perspectives change, and they feel less defensive as their sense of self becomes more clear. They also report that they feel less overwhelmed by their emotions, with increased presence and more creativity. They report that life is just better overall! I am incredibly passionate about what I do and so grateful to be a part of this unique healing process.

Meet Lori Burri of Optimal Brain Performance in Orange County

Meet Lori Burri of Optimal Brain Performance in Orange County

Meet Lori Burri of Optimal Brain Performance in Orange County